Introducing the 2nd annual Smarter Travel Awards...

Smarter Travel Awards 2016 are the awards recognising the smartest projects, people and technologies which are defining future mobility.

Smarter travel is essential to improving people's lives in the 21st Century as it enables effective transport provision in expanding towns and cities. New technologies are becoming mainstream, while attitudes to sustainable travel are changing. These awards celebrate the impressive achievements, the smartest approaches and the high impact of smarter travel projects and the professionals who lead them.

Smarter Travel Awards 2016 is the opportunity for you and your partner organisations to gain recognition for the effective delivery of more efficient and sustainable transport systems.

The Award Winners will be announced on Thursday 17 February 2016, at a reception at the end of the first day of Smarter Travel LIVE! 2016. The venue will be the ArenaMK in Milton Keynes.

Enter now!

How to enter the awards How to enter the awards
Sponsorship opportunities


Sponsoring the Smarter Travel Awards 2015 is an easy, economic and efficient way to meet and showcase your commitment to sustainable travel.

The decision makers who will invest in cycling will attend this event, and sponsoring an award demonstrates your firms' commitment to nurturing future talent in the development of sustainable transport with a choice of modes.

Find out why you should sponsor

The 7 categories:

Meet the judges...


The Smart Travel 2015 Judging Panel is made up of senior and influential figures in the sector including...

Richard Armitage BSc FCILT Iain Macbeth Jonathan Raper Kiron Chatterjee Martin Tugwell FCIHT MICE Nicola Kane

Richard Armitage BSc FCILT

Iain Macbeth MCIHT

Jonathan Raper

Kiron Chatterjee
Associate Professor in Travel Behaviour at the Centre for Transport & Society
University of the West of England


Martin Tugwell FCIHT MICE
Transport Systems Catapult

Nicola Kane
Chartered transport planner & town planner

Find out more about the judges...

Hosted by:

Partnering publications and organisations:

ACT Travelwise
CTC: The national cycling Charity
Campaign for Better Transport
Local Transport Today
Parking Review

Organised by:

pteglogo RTIG Inform
Transport Planning Society
Smarter Travel 2015 is the successor of both Landor LINKS' highly successful 'Re-Booting Smarter Travel' and 'Mainstreaming Smarter Travel' events.

Exhibitor queries, contact Daniel Simpson l l 020 7091 7861
Conference enquiries, contact Damilola Onamusi l l 020 7091 7865

By registering to attend, you are giving Landor LINKS permission to contact you about similar events in the future. Please note that the published programme is subject to change without notice. Promocodes must be redeemed at time of purchase

Published programme subject to change. Event booking subject to payment terms.

© Landor LINKS 2015
Smarter Travel 2015 Award
Smarter Travel Awards 2015
Local Sustainable Transport Fund Engagement
5 February 2015
Diva Creative
Steer Davies Gleave
Department for Transport

Supported by:

Transport Systems Catapult

Sponsored by:

Department for Transport
Call for Papers Call for Papers Smarter Travel Awards 2015